
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Oops, I did it again.

Qué tal amigos? Oops, I did it again last night! I've actually done it three times in the past 2 years, in different places. The first time was painful because l injured myself. The second time almost got me arrested. Last night I was left out half naked. "What!", you ask?
I locked myself out of the house, I keep doing it!
The first time l went to work and locked the keys inside. Luckily a high downstairs window was open but first I had to break through an out-house door. A kind neighbour lent me the tools! I injured myself straddling the small window which had a prong-lock, eye-watering stuff. Also minor damage to the sofa, although it formed a much needed crash-mat for my fall from the high window.
The second time, l was out in the front garden.The wind caught the front door and it slammed shut. Luckily this time the back door was open. Whilst attempting to climb the back fence,a concerned neighbour confronted me. He thought I was a burglar and threatened me with calling the police! I had to answer some of his probing questions, I also explained that burglars don't generally rob houses wearing just socks, no shirt and washing up gloves? This seemed to swing his decision and he lent me a ladder to climb the fence, jolly nice hombre!
The latest was last night. I'd just showered and was musing around the house in a pair of "never to be seen anytime" boxer shorts. I went to put the rubbish out, I figured no need to put more clothes on,it would only take a couple of seconds! Guess what, amigos? Yep, wind caught the front door and it slammed shut! I'm not joking here! I must have spent a good minute in shock(covering my exposed nipples with my crossed hands), standing half naked on the busy street. I had no spare key, no phone, what to do? When I calmed down, I remembered the back door was unlocked. It was a walk down the street, then round the back and another fence to climb. I decided to walk casually, running would only attract attention. I got half way down the road and sod's law a fully laden bus was stopped at the junction. I didn't look but I swear the bus driver or a passenger sarcastically wolf whistled! Eventually I got back in the house after climbing a trelis.
I really think I have learnt an important lesson this time, buy some sexier boxer shorts.Seriously though, I need to be more careful, anyone else been in a similar tricky situation?


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